On Sunday 19th May, we’ll celebrate the great Church festival of Pentecost with two services of Holy Communion at 9am and 10.30am, with supervised children’s groups in the Welcome Centre at 10.30am.
Revd Alan Moss will lead and preside, Revd Tim Scott will preach, and the music team will lead us in extended worship.
It was at Pentecost, after Jesus had ascended into heaven, that something extraordinary happened – the Holy Spirit descended like tongues of flames on the disciples, allowing each of them preach in other languages to the gathered crowd which included people from ‘every nation under heaven’ (Acts 2:5). It was in this context that the Church was born – a multicultural Church and one in which, as St Paul would write, ‘There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus’ (Galatians 3:28).
In an increasingly divided world, Pentecost is a powerful reminder of the unity that comes through Jesus Christ, the gift of the Holy Spirit and the call on the Church to reflect God’s love for all.
There will be evening prayer in the church at 6pm, as well as St Mary’s youth group, which will meet in the Welcome Centre at 6pm and is open to young people Year 7 and up.