Trinity Sunday (26/5)

On Sunday, 26th May, we’ll celebrate Trinity Sunday with a service of Holy Communion at 9am followed by our monthly Intergenerational Service at 10.30am with Revd Tim Scott leading and Revd Alan Moss preaching at both services. 

On Trinity Sunday, our focus turns to the uniquely Christian understanding of God as Three Persons in One: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. What are the implications of this profound mystery? What does the Trinity tell us about God and about each other? 

For those unable to join us in person, we’ll live-stream this Sunday’s 9am Holy Communion service to our Facebook page

There will also be evening prayer in the church on Sunday at 6pm led by Donna Gwilliams with a focus on future ministry opportunities around the High Street. We hope to see you this Sunday at St Mary’s!

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